SBAC a plus tutoring

SBAC Testing - Tips and Tricks

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If your child is enrolled in Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), and is in grades 3-11, come this May, they will be taking the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC) for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. This test has a tendency to raise anxiety in children and is almost certain to have a technological glitch along the way.
SBAC Testing

Here are some things that you should know about the SBAC.


  • The SBAC is administered on an iPad or Laptop

    • There is a listening component with headphones, and your child will be expected to TYPE their responses.
  • The test is untimed

    • Technology glitches occur, this will not limit the time your child can spend on the test.
  • Testing will span multiple days

    • Make sure your child is well rested and on time to school. Remember how you feel when you are 10 minutes late to work.
    • It is easy to get distracted when working on technology. All though the test is not timed, an engaged student is able to get through the material in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Practice material is available online

  • Best practices to prepare

    • Go through all of the practice material WITH your child.
    • Take note of content areas where your child is having the most concern.
    • Identify which concepts have been taught but not mastered vs. not taught. 
    • Initially focus on concepts that have been taught, but not mastered as you will be doing less teaching and more of review.
    • Create additional sample problems based on content weakness areas.
    • For professional assistance, give us a call and we would love to be a part of the process.

Get Started

  • Failing to prepare is preparing to fail