Case Study #14 - Long-term tutoring for confidence in math

Kyle Greenfield, now in 9th grade, has been doing regular tutoring since he was in 4th grade. He specifically was struggling in math. His family felt that he needed additional support in order to improve and build his confidence.
Plan of Action:
At the beginning of his lessons, Kyle’s tutor quickly pinpointed addition and multiplication as his main roadblocks in math. She started with him there, and has progressively built on that with him over the years. She also sometimes provided him with additional homework, targeted at the specific concepts he was struggling with. Kyle was determined and dedicated, always giving his all in lessons. He clearly wanted to learn, but had struggled to do so without one-on-one help.
Now in 9th grade, Kyle has been able to maintain solid grades in his various math classes. He has mastered the many math skills his tutor has helped him learn over the years, all built on the initial foundation of knowledge that he established in his early lessons. The periodic homework assignments his tutor assigned have given him a structured way to practice concepts he’s struggling with. This outside work, in addition to the support provided by his lessons, have given Kyle a new level of confidence in his abilities.
Kyle plans to continue tutoring throughout high school. He knows now that he can learn anything he puts his mind to, and he will continue building his knowledge and confidence. It’s been a joy seeing how much Kyle has grown and improved over the years, and we look forward to seeing all his future accomplishments as well!