Case Study #27 - Chemistry struggles in 10th grade

Michael Schroeder is a 10th grade student, who was having a hard time in his Chemistry class. The mathematics involved in chemistry were particularly challenging for him, and he struggled to keep up as his class moved from one topic to the next. After about a month into the class, his family decided to set him up for tutoring. The goal was to help him catch up, and as well as stay caught up throughout the school year.
Plan of Action:
Early in his lessons, Michael’s tutor noticed that his reading comprehension skills were solid. Whenever he had to answer chemistry questions that relied on those skills, he needed very little support. But questions that relied on mathematics skills tripped him up quite a bit. Throughout their lessons, Michael’s tutor was able to help clarify any confusion for those types of questions. The tutor also made sure that Michael fully understood the major concepts they were learning in class, so that he stayed caught up with his fellow classmates.
After working through many individual topics, Micheal’s class has come to a point where they need to use all of these previous concepts to understand the current one (stoichiometry). Thanks to his hard work in his lessons, Michael has been able to keep up with these topics, and has been well prepared for the current, advanced classwork.
Michael’s tutor continues to greatly help him, using various examples to go over what was taught in class until Michael understands it fully. Using this method, Michael is much quicker to pick up on new concepts. He just needs the extra bit of one-on-one support to assist him, but he has proven himself to be a fast and dedicated learner. We are confident that he will continue to excel, in Chemistry and in his future classes!