Educational Resources

Case Study #20 - Tutoring in 3rd grade with an IEP

Written by Melanie McGinniss | Mar 29, 2021 9:00:00 PM

Tina Jackson was in Kindergarten when she initially started tutoring. Her mom was concerned about Tina’s issues with phonics, and wanted to address it early. After a number of lessons, Tina’s tutor realized that Tina likely needed to be in special education. Her tutor gave the family instructions on how to request a student success team, and an IEP evaluation. Tina received the IEP, and discontinued tutoring for several years. But she is in 3rd grade now, still with an IEP, and has stopped making progress. So her mom decided to resume her tutoring.

Plan of Action:

After a few lessons, her tutor identified Tina’s current problem areas. She specifically lacked phonemic awareness and most of her writing excluded vowels (characteristic of a beginning reader). She was unfamiliar with many grade level sight words, and generally had trouble with visual processing, among other issues. Her tutor began introducing her to grade-appropriate reading materials, guiding Tina through it and helping her understand the various words that tripped her up. The tutor also assigned Tina reading comprehension questions for every story they read.


Over the past months of tutoring, Tina’s tutor has been consistently building up her knowledge of third grade reading. She still struggles with some of the same things, but she is a bright student who absorbs new information quickly. To provide further support, we have been joining the family in IEP meetings, to help advocate and bridge the gap between Tina and her education.


Since the support from her school has not been effective on its own, we will continue supporting the family in IEP meetings, helping them ask the right questions, and making sure the school, tutor, parents, and student are all on the same page. Tina will continue with her tutoring lessons, which are already providing a lot of the one on one educational support she needs. And we look forward to seeing how she continues to improve as she learns more and more!